Running Out of Room? Consider a Mezzanine
If you are a tenant of an older warehouse or manufacturing and distribution facility, chances are you could have unused space that isn’t found in newer buildings. A mezzanine can be a great way to increase square footage without having to relocate or build out. They are fairly flexible in the shape they are arranged in and can fit with the layout of your workspace.
A mezzanine is a free-standing structure with an elevated platform that fits above your current setup. You will still maintain most of your ground-level operations, other than adding support columns. But in most cases it doubles your usable square footage.
You might need more room for people instead of product. Human resources, sales staff, and management could be housed in offices on a mezzanine. This space could also be used for a meeting area or breakroom.
First, you need to make sure your ceiling height will accommodate a mezzanine system, which includes clearance for any equipment, shelving, and forklifts you plan to use – 14’ or more is a desired height. In addition, don’t forget to add in 18-20” for sprinklers and lighting.
In some circumstances, a mezzanine might not be a feasible option. If you plan to store heavy equipment on the mezzanine, you will need additional support columns. These will take away from the space you are currently using, which will be underneath the deck. Mezzanines are not the easiest to access, so they would not be the best option for product that moves quickly. If you want to make them easier to access, you will have to make upgrades which would be more costly and might disrupt your current layout and operations.
Since mezzanines are usually considered temporary structures, permit and approval processes are easier and faster than if you were expanding your space. As mezzanines are portable and removable, they do not count as permanent improvements to your facility. The depreciation of the cost is spread out over seven years, which will affect your tax bill. Your CPA is a great resource if you have questions about that.
For more information, see the full article.